No es porque lo digan los tontos y destructivos manifestantes (que se nota nunca han trabajado en su vida) embobados por sus cool consignas y poses "anti".

El asunto es que estos "megaeventos" se han convertido en espacios de pugnas políticas que poco o nada positivo tienen para el resto del mundo. Nunca antes la economía mundial ha estado tan presa de los intereses de bloques y, como no, de las "buenas intenciones" que suelen terminar en patéticos retrocesos y saltos al vacio. En el blog Alemania, Economía, Sociedad y Derecho hay una amplia cobertura sobre esta cumbre para los que quieren ir más allá de lo que ofrecen los medios.

Sobre el encuentro opina el ex-canciller aleman Helmut Schmidt. La cumbre del G8 no es nada más que un teatro:

If you were writing down the three most important problems for the G8 countries, what would they be?
The first big question is why is it just G eight? Where are the Chinese, the Indians, the oil-exporting countries, and the third world? You have to understand that you can no longer control the world economy from the West, without China and India. This era is gone! And you cannot do things without the oil exporters who determine the oil and gas prices.

It's the first time when the protection of the climate stands at the top of the G8 agenda. Is the situation as dramatic as the IPCC climate panel warns us?
This whole climate panel has invented itself and no one has asked for it. It is a severe exaggeration to call IPCC a council that should issue recommendations. The whole debate is hysterical and overheated, especially by the media. There has been climate change since the beginning of the Earth.
For hundreds of thousands of years we have seen ice ages and interglacials.
For example, people find tusks in Germany and prove that elephants once lived in this country during interglacials. Or in my garden in Hamburg's Langenhorn which is 15 meters above the sea level, I can find mussels that indicate that the ocean used to reach to Langenhorn and maybe even further.
Meanwhile, the reason behind these climate changes have been inadequately researched for the time being. And there is no reason to think that the climate change should suddenly stop. But to get upset about it and to believe that mankind could stop this climate change by making a resolution in Heilligendamm is pure hysteria, it is a nonsense!
Via The Reference Frame


1 comentario:

  1. bueno, lo que diga Helmut... uno de los fundadores de las cumbres...

    es socialdemócrata de izquierda, seguro que también es antiglobalización, igual que muchos de los sres. ya mayores de su generación, que no han captado que "el tiempo pasa".

    supongo que se queja por las cumbres no son como las de antes: sólo hombres, tipo campamento de los boys scout, je je.

    Seguro que no lo diría si Schöder fuera canciller...

    Gracias por el link querido Guille!
